23 October 2009

so exciting!

illustration by r. crumb, photo courtesy of the hammer gallery

i have just been looking through the internet and came upon a show opening soon with work by r. crumb. he recently illustrated the entire book of genesis, which is something that is very intriguing to me. crumb's work is appealing to me anyway, but now that he has come out with this i am very excited.

the book of genesis illustrated by r. crumb

r. crumb's website

20 October 2009

beginning of fall term

i didn't work on anything all summer, except writing and music.
some ideas that i've been working through the last couple of weeks:
-"experimental" printmaking, which is basically me making prints without planning or having an end product in mind. i am making a reduction print right now that falls into this category.
-tearing, cutting, reworking the collages that i made in the spring, maybe with some screen printing on top or chine colle'd onto another piece of thicker paper...it all depends on what the silk tissue can handle.
-life-size cut-outs of people, perhaps larger than life-size, intimidating? smaller than life-size (think jonathon borofsky)
-artists i have been investigating: nancy spero, swoon, meredith stern

every term this happens. i have a project i want to work on, but i know that i won't be able to finish it by the end of term, so i lose motivation and don't even really want to try. i would rather not make something than force myself to hurry up and finish something before its ready to be done.

14 June 2009

the end of the term wrapped up in style

here's just a little preview of pictures.
find more here on my flickr page.
overall the term ended fairly well. i didn't get finished with all of the projects i started,
but i made good headway on them,
and now i have lots of ideas for future projects.

04 June 2009

preparing to print

these are some images of the doll parts before they got printed.
note the father and son matching cocks!
i've been working a lot on these lately,
the boxes, the instruction manuals, the voice boxes
it's coming together slowly but surely.

14 May 2009

artists i've been looking at.

lately i've been looking a lot at feminist collage artists and dadaist collage artists. i recently acquired the famed "suffragettes to she-devils" feminist art theory and history book. it has provided me with a lot of inspirational images and ideas. i found this pretty cool website that describes the methods behind the meaning of some of the dadaist collage work. click here! i like the idea of using fabric in the collage. more experimenting with this soon.

florence henri

adolf strakhov

raoul hausmann

a lot of linder's collage work is similar to what I would like to work towards in my own work. i'll need to expand on her imagery in order to make the work as powerful in this more modern context.

i've also been really inspired by aboriginal design and pattern work, specifically the dot and line patterns. i have been tempted to try painting again because of these designs.

what i want my work to do.

CAP mid-term Eval - Boas S09 - Tess Yinger
Good beginning but I'd like to see you be more ambitious in your work. You have a certain level of comfort with your imagery and the technical aspects: what is it that you want your work to do? B+

a lot of people have been asking me this question lately.
"what are you trying to say?"
"what do you want your work to accomplish?"

these are some of the things that i feel strongly about and have been trying to convey in most of the projects i have been working on this term.

1. the treachery of images. today, the average american sees as many advertisements in one year than people fifty years ago saw in a lifetime. this constant and overwhelming stream of advertisements has lead to the consumerist mentality that is slowly destroying our communities and our planet. the american motto "consume more, save less." even in this shitty economy, people are still being told to buy crap they don't need in order to "shore up profits" and "move the market."
2. feminism. feminism is something that is very important to me, especially feminism in the context of the "artworld."
3. the objectification of people. this works hand in hand with item number one. because of this nations obsession with buying things and making money, people are continually being treated as profit incentives rather than individuals. the needs of the person are interpreted as the needs of the consumer and translated into monetary value.
4. the irony of conservatism and the religious right. a lot of the imagery that i use in my collages is from old illustrated bibles and religious children's books. religion has been one of the main oppressors of women and minorities for centuries. it has given people an excuse to disrespect and demoralize the value systems and even the genetics of others. "because god says so" is an interesting argument to me, and the way that it is misinterpreted and misconstrued by its followers is also fascinating.

i guess that the overarching theme here is the influence and power of objects and imagery on people and their perception of reality.

the dolls that i am making mimic the proportions of barbie and g.i. joe dolls. they are unrealistic representations of the "ideal" and are supposed to make fun of the real thing. would you give your child these dolls as you would a barbie doll? why or why not? is it because the messages conveyed are no longer subliminal but literal? or is it because the dolls themselves are literal human objects? toys for child consumption?

the collages focus on some of the same themes, but with a more 'christian' undertone. you are a good housewife because you obey your husband and you heed his every command. your needs do not matter. your bond to him is in holy matrimony and therefore you must do everything you can to please him. you must be sexual even when you don't want to be. you must be pretty and charming and quiet and submissive; you must be another object for consumption. he will consume you, his friends will consume you, and the people you encounter will treat you as the object that you have become.

are these things not clear? how can i make them more clear? what can i change in my work so that people will understand me?
this is what i want my work to do.

04 May 2009

things to do this week

1. find money to buy art supplies (bake sale, "spring membership drive," pop can collection, prostitution, drug trafficking...or some combination of all of these)
2. buy canvas and other fabrics for dolls
3. obtain voice boxes for dolls
4. finish carving remaining two dolls and outfits
5. collage the hell out of shit

well...the end of the term is drawing nearer. i'm freaking out, as per usual, and hoping that i can get things done. but also hoping that i don't rush because i want these projects to be good when they're done, not rushed.